+94 77 494 7433 thilina.guruge232@gmail.com

Back in 2010, I had a burning desire to earn some money from the internet.

I wanted to venture online and pocket some extra cash. I dabbled in trading but, unfortunately, met with failure. Not deterred, I decided to start a blog on Blogspot (Blogger) with the aim of generating income through Adsense.

That marked the starting point of my Digital Marketing journey. Surprisingly, I wasn’t even familiar with the term “Digital Marketing” at that time. I was a student engrossed in Mathematics. However, as time went on, my interest gradually shifted towards Marketing.

I ventured further, creating more blogs, and acquainting myself with SEO. However, I made a significant mistake, which I’ll delve into later. My digital endeavors expanded to include creating Facebook Pages and experimenting with Google Ads (previously known as Adwords).

Through self-learning and hands-on experience, I secured my first Digital Marketing job in 2017, as far as I recall. Prior to this, I had held a few jobs, but none were related to Digital Marketing. In my inaugural role as a Digital Marketer, I gained substantial knowledge in Facebook Advertising and Google Adwords.

Later, I transitioned to another Digital Marketing role. However, the environment wasn’t conducive to learning, prompting me to seek another opportunity. Before making this move, I felt the urge to obtain a certificate in Digital Marketing. At that time, there weren’t many institutions offering Digital Marketing certifications. Only APIDM (they had a different name back then which escapes me) and SLIM were conducting Digital Marketing courses.

While furthering my education, I joined my most recent company as an employee. Fast forward three years, and I found myself at the helm as the Digital Marketing Manager for one of Sri Lanka’s leading real estate companies. With the experience under my belt, I embarked on an MSc in Digital Marketing.

This narrative encapsulates my evolution into a Digital Marketer. The journey wasn’t a walk in the park; it had its fair share of ups and downs.

Now, if I had the knowledge I possess today, how would I approach learning Digital Marketing? That’s the million-dollar question I aim to address in this blog post.

First and foremost, I’d get a grip on the basics of Digital Marketing. When I began, resources were scarce. However, today, there’s an abundance of them. My starting point would be the Google Digital Garage course to grasp the fundamentals of Digital Marketing.

Next, I’d pinpoint a specific area to master. With the insights I have now as an experienced Digital Marketer, I’d zero in on Google Advertising. Here’s why:

Currently, I’m on the employer’s side of the table, not an employee’s. Even though I’ve been an employee in the past, my aspirations were never about working for someone else. I’ve always harbored the dream of being my own boss, either by establishing an agency or at the very least, freelancing.

In this context, I’d need a reliable method that not only brings in money but also delivers results. So, why Google Advertising over other Digital Marketing strategies, including SEO (which I currently favor)?

The answer is straightforward: Google Ads offer immediate results. While strategies like SEO are effective, they are time-consuming. Managing client expectations over extended periods can be challenging. On the flip side, platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and CRO yield quicker results. Satisfied clients translate to a steady income for me.

To recap, I’d start with the basics of Digital Marketing through platforms like Google Digital Garage. Then, I’d delve deeper into a chosen specialty, in this case, Google Advertising.

For advanced learning, I’d turn to Google Academy, which offers specialized courses on Google Ads, including Shopping Ads, YouTube Ads, Display Ads, and Analytics.

Subsequently, I’d consider joining a digital marketing company as an intern. You might wonder, “Why work for someone else if that’s not the end goal?” The reason is simple: working in an agency would allow me to apply my knowledge without any financial risk. It would also provide exposure to various industries.

After six months to a year, I’d resign and kickstart my freelancing career as a Google Advertiser. Concurrently, I’d focus on networking, connecting with influential individuals in the industry. I’d work on building my personal brand, positioning myself as the go-to expert for Google Ads. As the saying goes, “Jack of all trades, master of none.” Being a specialist in one area ensures that people remember you.

With a strong personal brand and a robust network, transitioning from a day job would be a breeze.

For those not inclined towards self-learning, I’d recommend enrolling in a structured course. In Sri Lanka, several institutions now offer Digital Marketing courses, including APIDM, SLIM, E-Minds, NIBM, and Pace Institute. From personal experience, I can vouch for APIDM. I’ve also heard good things about SLIM from friends who’ve enrolled there.

E-Minds claims to offer the most hands-on Digital Marketing course in Sri Lanka. While I hope they live up to their claim, I’ve had mixed feedback from friends who’ve studied there. Ultimately, the depth of understanding is subjective and varies from person to person.

Every course will lay down the basics. However, the onus of deepening that knowledge rests on the individual.

I’ve also pursued an MSc, but it was more certificate-oriented than knowledge-based. If you’re keen on a certificate with MSc recognition, it’s a viable option. However, if knowledge acquisition is the goal, it might not be worth the investment. I won’t name the institution here, but feel free to reach out privately for details.

While higher educational qualifications might give you an edge in society and job interviews, in a rapidly evolving field like Digital Marketing, certificates can sometimes be just decorative. What truly matters is knowledge, experience, and adaptability. In my agency, we prioritize these over any certificate.

In conclusion, this would be my approach to learning Digital Marketing if I were to start afresh.

I hope you find my journey and insights valuable. Enjoy!