+94 77 494 7433 thilina.guruge232@gmail.com

Believe it or not, I’m someone who’s practically married to AI (LMAO).

I lean on generative AI for a multitude of tasks throughout my day, and not just for SEO. If you recall, I mentioned running a business entirely through ChatGPT.

And if you’ve read my Digital Marketing Journey blog post, you’d know about my foray into Forex Trading. I had abandoned it due to losses, but guess what?

I’ve dived back in, leveraging AI to craft strategies. LOL! In fact, I’ve developed an AI Trading Strategy with a win rate of over 50%. However, with an RR Ratio of 1:1, it’s not super profitable, but it’s a start.

But let’s shift gears and focus on today’s main topic.

For my SEO content, I heavily rely on Generative AIs, especially ChatGPT. One of the primary tasks I delegate to AI is structuring articles.

(Fun Fact: This article was also crafted with the help of ChatGPT!)

Not long ago, I stumbled upon a blog post by a Pakistani blogger. It reshaped my views on article structuring. Sadly, I can’t recall his name or the exact blog. But, I thought, why not share my method with all of you?

So, How Do I Generate Outlines For My SEO Articles?

Let’s dive in, using the topic “Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin?” as an example.

If you’re keen on discovering low-competition, profitable keywords for your site or blog, don’t forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel. I’ll soon unveil everything about keyword research, offering an over-the-shoulder advanced tutorial.

Step 01:

Start with your primary keyword. Then, head to a keyword research tool – I prefer Semrush – and identify secondary keywords related to your main topic. Here’s a glimpse of my secondary keywords for this example:

How I Use Generative AI To Create My SEO Article Outlines
Main Keyword - Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin?
Secondary Keywords - 
can guinea pigs eat pumpkin
can guinea pigs eat pumpkin seeds
can guinea pigs eat raw pumpkin
can guinea pigs eat pumpkin guts
can guinea pigs eat raw pumpkin seeds
can guinea pigs eat canned pumpkin
can guinea pigs eat pumpkin leaves
And, more...

These keywords, while random, are relevant to my sample article.

Step 02:

This is where our AI hero shines. I turn to ChatGPT and use the following prompt to draft my initial article outline:

SEO-Driven Article Outline Generator
Please create an article structure for the topic: <article topic>. Adhere to the following guidelines:
1.Incorporate secondary keywords into subheadings.
2.Feel free to introduce additional headings and subheadings, ensuring they flow naturally and maintain relevance.
3.Label all headings and subheadings accordingly: H2, H3, H4, etc. The main article title should be designated as H1.
4.Only provide the headlines; no additional details are required beneath them.
5.The article will be written from a first-person perspective.
Main Keyword: <main keyword>
Secondary Keywords: <secondary keywords>


H1: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin?
H2: Introduction
H3: My journey in understanding guinea pig diets
H2: The Nutritional Value of Pumpkins
H3: Why pumpkins are considered for guinea pig diets
H2: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Pumpkin?
H3: Benefits of raw pumpkin for guinea pigs
H3: Potential concerns with raw pumpkin
H2: Delving into Pumpkin Seeds
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
H4: The pros and cons of pumpkin seeds for guinea pigs
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Pumpkin Seeds?
H4: Why raw might be better (or not)
H2: The Mystery of Pumpkin Guts
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Guts?
H4: Nutritional insights and potential hazards
H2: What About Canned Pumpkin?
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Pumpkin?
H4: The difference between fresh and canned pumpkin for guinea pigs
H2: Conclusion
H3: My final thoughts on guinea pigs and pumpkins
H2: Additional Tips for Feeding Guinea Pigs
H3: Ensuring a balanced diet for your furry friend

Step 03:

With my preliminary outline in hand, I then consult Perplexity AI, using the prompt below to flesh out more subheadings and topics. You might wonder, “Why Perplexity? Why not ChatGPT again?” Well, if you’re using GPT-4, you can indeed use a plugin to access the internet.

I'm drafting an article titled: <article headline from AI (from ChatGPT)>. Based on current online content, could you suggest topics and subtopics that might be relevant additions? Please ensure these aren't already covered in my existing outline:
<article outline from AI (from ChatGPT)>
Note: The article is written from a first-person perspective.


Based on the search results, here are some additional topics and subtopics that might be relevant additions to the article:
The Benefits of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene in Pumpkins
Subtopic: How Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene can improve guinea pig's immune system and optical health
How to Introduce Pumpkins to a Guinea Pig's Diet
Subtopic: The importance of introducing pumpkins slowly to avoid digestive issues
Subtopic: How much pumpkin to feed a guinea pig and how often
The Risks of Feeding Canned or Processed Pumpkin to Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: Why canned pumpkin is not recommended for guinea pigs due to preservatives and processing
Other Vegetables and Fruits That Can Be Fed to Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: A list of other vegetables and fruits that are safe for guinea pigs to eat
The Importance of a Balanced Diet for Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: How to ensure that a guinea pig's diet is balanced and meets their nutritional needs
The Risks of Overfeeding Pumpkins to Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: How excessive water in pumpkin can lead to diarrhea if overconsumed

By including these additional topics and subtopics, the article can provide more comprehensive information on the nutritional value of pumpkins, how to safely introduce pumpkins to a guinea pig's diet, and the risks and benefits of feeding pumpkins to guinea pigs. Additionally, the article can provide more information on other vegetables and fruits that are safe for guinea pigs to eat, and how to ensure that a guinea pig's diet is balanced and meets their nutritional needs.

Speaking of internet access, I’ve noticed top sites blocking ChatGPT bot access. What does the future hold for this? Time will tell!

Step 04:

Post step 03, I combine the insights from ChatGPT and Perplexity to refine my article’s structure. The beauty of Perplexity is its internet access, even in the free version.

I'm refining the structure of an article titled <article headline from AI (form ChatGPT)>. Based on the additional topics you've provided and the current online content, please integrate these topics and subtopics into the structure provided below. Adhere to the following guidelines:
1.Avoid repetition in topics or subtopics.
2.Ensure a natural and logical flow from one heading or subheading to the next.
3.Newly added topics and subtopics should be appended with "(N)" at the end.
4.The article will be written from a first-person perspective, so frame headings and subheadings accordingly.
Existing Structure: <old article structure created using AI (from ChatGPT)>


Here's a revised structure for the article, integrating the additional topics and subtopics:
H1: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin?
H2: Introduction
H3: My journey in understanding guinea pig diets
H2: The Nutritional Value of Pumpkins
H3: Why pumpkins are considered for guinea pig diets
H3: The benefits of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene in Pumpkins (N)
H3: Other vitamins and minerals in pumpkins that are beneficial for guinea pigs (N)
H2: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Pumpkin?
H3: Benefits of raw pumpkin for guinea pigs
H3: Potential concerns with raw pumpkin
H3: The risks of overfeeding pumpkins to guinea pigs (N)
H3: How to introduce pumpkins to a guinea pig's diet (N)
H2: Delving into Pumpkin Seeds
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
H4: The pros and cons of pumpkin seeds for guinea pigs
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Pumpkin Seeds?
H4: Why raw might be better (or not)
H2: The Mystery of Pumpkin Guts
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Guts?
H4: Nutritional insights and potential hazards
H2: What About Canned Pumpkin?
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Pumpkin?
H4: The difference between fresh and canned pumpkin for guinea pigs
H4: The risks of feeding canned or processed pumpkin to guinea pigs (N)
H2: Additional Vegetables and Fruits for Guinea Pigs
H3: A list of other vegetables and fruits that are safe for guinea pigs to eat (N)
H2: Conclusion
H3: My final thoughts on guinea pigs and pumpkins
H2: Additional Tips for Feeding Guinea Pigs
H3: Ensuring a balanced diet for your furry friend
H3: The importance of a balanced diet for guinea pigs (N)
H3: The risks of overfeeding pumpkins to guinea pigs (N)
In this revised structure, the article starts with an introduction and the author's journey in understanding guinea pig diets. The nutritional value of pumpkins is discussed, including the benefits of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene, and other vitamins and minerals in pumpkins that are beneficial for guinea pigs. The article then delves into whether guinea pigs can eat raw pumpkin, the pros and cons of pumpkin seeds, and the nutritional insights and potential hazards of pumpkin guts. The article also discusses the risks of feeding canned or processed pumpkin to guinea pigs, and provides a list of other vegetables and fruits that are safe for guinea pigs to eat. The importance of a balanced diet for guinea pigs is emphasized, along with the risks of overfeeding pumpkins to guinea pigs. The article concludes with the author's final thoughts on guinea pigs and pumpkins, and additional tips for feeding guinea pigs.

Step 05:

Now, the fun part!

Regardless of your article’s draft, the goal is to craft the best version possible. I aim to outshine existing articles on the topic. To achieve this, I use the following prompt to infuse more intriguing, relevant topics into my structure:

I'm looking to enhance my article structure with unique headings and subheadings that differentiate it from competitor articles. Please provide 2-4 entirely new headings or subheadings that are:
1.Relevant to the topic.
2.Not covered in the competitor articles.
3.Reflective of the content they encompass (e.g., comparisons, tables, charts, diagrams, checklists, data sources).
4.Integrated seamlessly to maintain the flow and natural progression of the article.
After providing the unique subheadings, please integrate them into the existing structure, marking each new addition with "NT", and then present the updated article structure.
Existing Structure: <old article structure created using AI (from step 04)>
Competitor articles for reference: <competitor article URLs (top 5)>


Here are some unique subheadings that can be added to the article:
Pumpkin Recipes for Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: How to make pumpkin-based treats for guinea pigs at home (NT)
Comparing Pumpkin to Other Vegetables for Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: A comparison of the nutritional value of pumpkin to other vegetables that are safe for guinea pigs to eat (NT)
The Role of Pumpkin in a Guinea Pig's Diet
Subtopic: How much pumpkin should be included in a guinea pig's diet, and how often it should be fed (NT)
Pumpkin-Based Supplements for Guinea Pigs
Subtopic: How pumpkin-based supplements can be used to improve a guinea pig's health and well-being (NT)

Here's the updated article structure with the new subheadings:

H1: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin?
H2: Introduction
H3: My journey in understanding guinea pig diets
H2: The Nutritional Value of Pumpkins
H3: Why pumpkins are considered for guinea pig diets
H3: The benefits of Vitamin A and Beta-Carotene in Pumpkins (N)
H3: Other vitamins and minerals in pumpkins that are beneficial for guinea pigs (N)
H2: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Pumpkin?
H3: Benefits of raw pumpkin for guinea pigs
H3: Potential concerns with raw pumpkin
H3: The risks of overfeeding pumpkins to guinea pigs (N)
H3: How to introduce pumpkins to a guinea pig's diet (N)
H2: Delving into Pumpkin Seeds
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Seeds?
H4: The pros and cons of pumpkin seeds for guinea pigs
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Raw Pumpkin Seeds?
H4: Why raw might be better (or not)
H2: The Mystery of Pumpkin Guts
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Pumpkin Guts?
H4: Nutritional insights and potential hazards
H2: What About Canned Pumpkin?
H3: Can Guinea Pigs Eat Canned Pumpkin?
H4: The difference between fresh and canned pumpkin for guinea pigs
H4: The risks of feeding canned or processed pumpkin to guinea pigs (N)
H2: Additional Vegetables and Fruits for Guinea Pigs
H3: A list of other vegetables and fruits that are safe for guinea pigs to eat (N)
H3: Comparing Pumpkin to Other Vegetables for Guinea Pigs (NT)
H2: Pumpkin Recipes for Guinea Pigs (NT)
H2: The Role of Pumpkin in a Guinea Pig's Diet (NT)
H2: Pumpkin-Based Supplements for Guinea Pigs (NT)
H2: Conclusion
H3: My final thoughts on guinea pigs and pumpkins
H2: Additional Tips for Feeding Guinea Pigs
H3: Ensuring a balanced diet for your furry friend
H3: The importance of a balanced diet for guinea pigs (N)
H3: The risks of overfeeding pumpkins to guinea pigs (N)

And voilà! We now have a top-tier article structure for our topic. But with everyone potentially using similar methods, how does Google decide who tops the search results?

It’s all about E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, Trustworthiness)!

Always prioritize your readers over search engines when crafting content. Showcase your expertise, experience, trustworthiness, and authority throughout your piece. While a robust structure is essential, it alone won’t guarantee top rankings.

Can AI Help In Content Creation?

Absolutely! But the key is to be unique and valuable. Even AI-generated content can rank if done right.

If you need help ranking your site, reach out! We boast some of the best SEO experts in Sri Lanka.

Note: This process isn’t entirely my brainchild. I drew inspiration from that Pakistani blogger, whose details, unfortunately, elude me. If anyone knows him or his content, please drop a comment below. Nonetheless, my approach has its unique twists, making this a standout piece on “How to use AI to create article outlines.